Our Story
Tadelech Weldetatyos
founder of All My Sisters Around the World for Peace
Tadelech "Tadu" Weldetatyos is the founder of All My Sisters Around the World for Peace, Inc. She is happily married with two beautiful daughters, and has run her own business since 2004. Tadu grew up with a passion for love and peace. Her mother and older brother were huge influences on her perspective of life. Her mother used to say, "I don't like to see a cloudy day nor an angry person." Her brother used to say, "Smile from your heart. Be kind all the way." These words stuck with her all her life. At a young age, whenever she saw friends or families in conflict, she wouldn't feel right ignoring the situation and tried to be the mediator to help in any way she could. As she came into adulthood, her resolution to end conflicts and create peace only grew stronger.
In 2006, she and her friend, Negisti Mizan, tried to reconnect friends and encouraged them to communicate with each other and let go of grievances. Determined to connect people, Tadu told Negisti, "I will not only continue over the phone. Someday I will have an organization called All My Sisters Around the World for Peace, and we can reach out to anyone who has conflicts. If we change one person, that person can change millions."
As she continued her journey of life, everything growing inside of her was about forgiveness and peace. When she sees people forgive each other and sees the smiles on their faces, she feels very happy and encouraged to see more happiness in others. She continued to encourage families and friends with forgiveness and peace. She would say "without forgiveness, we will not achieve peace." Then her daughters became big supporters; they are her all-time life influences. The day she decided to meet her friends, whom she called her sisters, in person and share her experiences with peace and forgiveness, she discussed it with her kids beforehand. The encouragement they gave her was unforgettable.
On November 29, 2016, Tadu's dream was realized and All My Sisters Around the World for Peace was born. She got ready to encourage women of all ages in building a cultureof peace, without affiliation with politics or religion, or partiality to color, race, ethnicity, or nationality, because peace and humanity have no boundaries. She focused on women of all ages, because she believed mothers play a big role in teaching our children from the grassroots about forgiveness and peace. Parents are a child’s first teachers, but the mother is the foremost teacher, as she is the closest to the child since birth.
Two months later, on January 22, 2017, she called all of her sisters in Georgia for the first coffee meeting and shared her experiences with forgiveness and peace. As they discussed their experiences and shared their ideas, sisters began to stand up and embrace each other, giving and accepting forgiveness. On this day, her sisters around Georgia showed the world that voluntary forgiveness from the heart is possible and became an example for the next generation. Today, Tadu and all of her sisters continue to actively promote peace and support friends and families, sending words of peace to spread around the world.
What is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is letting go of the past.
When we forgive, we free ourselves to live now rather than live in the past. We can move on without anger, hatred, or revenge. If we decide not to forgive, we block our spiritual growth. When we harbor pain, resentment, bitterness, and anger within us, we hurt our body and mind. Releasing resentment allows us to feel and think more positively and improves our health. It can be challenging to let go of the hurt, but forgiving or being forgiven creates opportunities for peace.
Why We Chose Women
Women empower women.
Women should empower and encourage each other. We need to support each other throughout any and every obstacle to peace that we may face. We can recognize and acknowledge the greatness of women in their lives and community. If we connect with each other, it will be so much easier to help one another. There are so many ordinary sisters who are extraordinary role models of forgiveness and peace. Every woman has the capacity to change the world.
Parents are a child’s first teachers, but the mother is the foremost teacher, as she is the closest to the child since birth.
Our children learn from everything we experience in our lives. Teaching our children from the grassroots about forgiveness and peace will help them to solve their problems in the best way possible and live with much less conflict. The world depends on our next generation, who will take our place and make the difference in humanity. I believe that if we empower our children with the right tools and skills of forgiveness, the next generation will become powerful peacemakers.